Ordering: easy as 1...2...3!
We try to make the ordering process as easy and convenient as possible. Below are the options we have for you to place an order.
If you ever have any questions, please email us anytime, or give us a call during business hours. All of our contact information is on our contact us page.

1 – Order Online
We offer secure online ordering through PayPal.
To see what you have ordered - click on the "View Cart" button at any time.

NOTE: PayPal will collect the information they need to process your order and send us your order and shipping information. We do our best to process your order in 3-7 days. Sometimes it might takes us a little longer. If you have any questions regarding your order, please feel free to email us anytime! When we create your shipping label, you will get an email notification from USPS that a label has been created. We often create a label to assign the inventory to your order, but it might not yet be packed and ready to ship. Please be patient, your order will ship soon after you receive notification, but it might not be the same day!
Contact Us - If you prefer to talk to a live person, we are here to take your order. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
Hours - Monday-Friday, 9:00AM - 4:00PM Mountain Standard Time
Phone - 3oh3- 8 four 2 -6106 (spelled out to prevent robo calls)
We can contact you - if you would prefer, we can contact you. Just fill out the form on our Contact Us page and we will contact you by phone to make payment arrangements.
What we accept - you may pay with checks or money orders. Please do not send credit card information by mail!
Send payments to - Make your checks payable to: Wild West Scale Model Builders
Wild West Scale Model Builders
P.O. Box 1971
Englewood, CO 80150
Shipping - Shipping rates now vary by weight. Please contact us if you have any questions.
For International rates:
please contact us, or use the PayPal checkout calculator.
We do not ship to all countries.
If no shipping rate is calculated, WE DO NOT SHIP to your country and you will be refunded
if your order if it goes through.
We apologize in advance for any troubles.
If you notice no shipping charges, email us and we can see how we can help!
2 – Order by Phone
3 – Order by Mail
To place your order - click on the "Add to Cart" button next to the item you would like to order. This will open a new secure window through PayPal. You will see the items you add to your order here. To return shopping, click on the "Continue Shopping" button (Internet Explorer browsers) or click back on the window or tab our website is open in (Firefox, Safari, etc.). Everything in the PayPal browser window remains secure throughout your shopping session.
When you have finished shopping - click the "Proceed to Checkout" button in PayPal. You will be given the option to pay with PayPal OR your own credit card.
YOU DO NOT have to sign up with PayPal to purchase!