At the bottom of the page is complete list of all our detail part pages

Detail Parts - Machine Shop
Now available in these scales:
Retired Product. New version will be available when all machines back in production
MS1 – Machine Shop – All equipment
Below are detail parts and kits for any industry that uses machines.
Click on the part numbers below to jump to a particular item or scroll through all of our details on this page!
We will list, under the "sticky notes", the kit scales that are currently available.
Some of these kits were only designed and available for O scale.
It is our goal to make all of these available in HO, S, and F scale in the future!
NOTE: If an item is listed in gray, then it is not yet available or out of stock.
MS1 - Machine shop - all equipment (O, 1:20.3)
MS3 - McCabe Lathe (O)
MS4 - Car Wheel Borer (O)
MS5 - Wheel Press (O)
MS7 - Overhead Crane
MS8 - Differential Chain Hoist
MS10 - 3 Machines - grinder, drill press, hacksaw
MS11 - Machine tools and shop clutter
DP26 - Office Interior

Now available in these scales:
O scale - coming| 1:20.3
MS2 – Radial Drill Press
We are working on a re-design to be available in multiple scales, including 1.20.3
MS3 – McCabe Lathe
Heavy Duty Double Spindle McCabe Lathe
Part # MS3:
MS4 – Car Wheel Borer
Future Project

MS5 – Hydraulic Wheel Press
Future Project
Now available in these scales:
O scale-$69.99 | 1:20.3 - Temporarily Sold Out
MS6 – Engine Lathe
Available in O, 1:20.3 scales
MS7 – Overhead Crane
Now available in these scales:
HO scale -$24.99 | S scale -$26.99 | O scale-$29.99 |
MS8 – Differential Chain Hoist
MS9 – Planer – Powell Machine Co.
with Trolley and "I" Beam
Now available in these scales:
O scale - $99.99 |
MS10 – Ginder, Hacksaw, Drill Press

This model is based on the planer found in the Sierra Railroad machine shop. We changed the length of the bed from 20' to 14'. In O scale this kit measures 3.5" long, 2.875" wide and 2.25" tall. As you can see from the picture, this is an extremely detailed model. It is our goal to eventually release this in other scales.
This kit was originally produced by WSM in all white metal castings. We have re-designed this kit with all the detail of the original, have made it easier to assemble, now has parts that can be custom positioned, and is made of all 3D printed parts that are produced in house so we can control quality and assembly tolerances.
This kit reproduces three of the smaller machines in the Sierra Railroad machine shop. These are a pedestal grinder with two grinding wheels, a post drill with double back gears, and a power hack saw which is a "Marvel" Draw-Cut hack saw with a 6 3/4" stroke. All three are powered by an overhead belt drive.
Mount the “I” beam over a machine, like a lathe, or in a stamp mill, anywhere you need to lift heavy objects in place in order to machine them or maintain them. The “I” beam mounts allow you to attach the “I” beam to joists in the ceiling in any position you may need.
This kit has been re-designed for fast assembly! It is now offered in S and HO scales (previously only in O). More specifications will be added when we update the product photos.
The McCabe heavy duty double spindle lathe was purchased second hand for the Sierra Railroad shop in 1911. It is 17 feet long, the bed is 30 inches wide, and the faceplate is 45 inches in diameter. The kit includes 47 white metal castings including overhead pulleys, belt material, and a detail instruction booklet. The model needs a floor space of 1 1/2" x 4 3/4" (O scale). The image above is of the original WSM casting. We will be re-designing this model in multiple scales.
The radial drill press was purchased second hand for the Sierra Railroad shop around 1900. The kit includes 36 detailed white metal castings including overhead drive pulleys, belt material, wire, and a 13 page instruction booklet with complete description of the drill press and how it works, detailed AutoCAD drawings, several pictures of the prototype drill including a color picture for paint reference.
The car-wheel borer was purchased second hand for the Sierra Railroad shop in 1909. The kit consists of 34 detailed white metal castings including overhead drive pulleys, belt material, wire, and chain. The instruction booklet includes detailed AutoCAD drawings as well as a complete description of how the machine was used. The models stands 2-1/8" high and needs a floor space of 2" x 2-1/2". This machine would be found wherever freight or passenger car wheels were repaired.
Prototype by Niles-Bement-Pond Tool Company
This 48-inch, 200-ton hydraulic car wheel press was purchased in 1913. The model includes a swing post crane, differential chain hoist, and ceiling hardware. The kit includes 56 detailed white metal castings, belt material, wire, chain, and a 16 page instruction booklet with detailed AutoCAD drawings and a description of how the machine is used. The model stands 4 1/4" high but the post crane can be modified to reduce model height if necessary. A floor space of 2"x4 1/4" is required.

Made by the Niles Tool Works Co., Hamilton, Ohio, the lathe has a 12’ bed. This is one of the most common types of lathes made. It is also possible to use the O scale lathe as a 1:20.3 bench top lathe. The O scale version is made in house of high quality 3D printed parts. We have taken the original WSM version and simplified the assembly process.
MS11 – Machine Tools and Clutter

Now avalable in these scales:
HO scale | S scale | O scale | 1.20.3 scales
Radial Drill Press
Part # MS2:
Car Wheel Borer
Part # MS4:
Wheel Press
Part # MS5:
Engine Lathe
Part # MS6-O:
Overhead Crane
Part # MS7:
Differential Chain Hoist
Part # MS8:
Part # MS9-O:
Ginder, Hacksaw, Drill Press
Part # MS10:
Machine Shop Tools & Clutter
Part # MS11:
Our Machine Shop Small Tools and Accessories kit includes wood for tow work benches, tables, a bench, parts shelves, a leg vise, barrels, cans, drills, wrenches, hammers, files, oild cans, buckets and over 50+ additional pieces of shop "clutter" to add character to any shop or industry. The lathe shown in the picture above is sold separately.

Temporarily Sold Out
Click on the small arrows to the right of the product to see all of the scales available.
HO, S, O scales
O scale
Future Project

Shop Heater
Part # DP34
Click on the small arrows to the right of the product to see all of the scales available.
Avaiable in HO, S and O scales
Door opens on 1.20.3, O and S scales only.
Stack ready, no stack included.
HO, S, O – Left to Right
1.20.3 not shown.