At the bottom of the page is complete list of all our detail part pages
Click on an image or text link for additional product information, pictures and to purchase
kit #DP11
kit #DP15
kit #DP25
kit #DP32
Be sure to scroll down to see all of our new Machines, Equipment, and Details in HO scale
As we add products, this page gets longer and longer!
kit #DP12
kit #DP13
kit #DP14
General Detail Part kits
kit #M1–HO
kit #M2–HO
kit #M3–HO
Mining Detail kits
kit #M4–HO
kit #M5–HO
kit #M6–HO
Blacksmith Shop Detail kits
kit #M7–HO
kit #M8–HO
kit #DP1–HO
kit #DP2–HO
kit #DP3–HO
kit #BS1–HO
kit #BS2–HO

Re-Designed and now available online!
kit #DP5–HO
kit #DP36
Use with Mining, Machine Shop,
Logging and Blacksmith Shop
Floor Stands | Ceiling Hangers
kit #DP37
Use with Mining, Machine Shop, Logging and Blacksmith Shop
Click on the image for more information and to purchase
Click on the image for more information and to purchase
Click on the image for more information and to purchase
HO Scale - Machines & Equipment

kit #DP34
kit #DP27
kit #DP19
Coming Soon!