Thanks for expediting our order a few weeks back. We were quickly looking for props to shoot 3 mini film trailers to highlight the 360|365 George Eastman House Film Festival in Rochester, NY. One of these trailers appear at the start of every film shown at the festival. The projectionist chooses which one so an audience member that attends multiple films may see a different trailer at each screening. Each film is a spoof of a specific film genre. We used your Wild West buildings for the background of a gunfight scene. You can see the final products with the Youtube links below. Audience feedback has been very positive and many feel the Western is the best in the series.
The models went together easily based on your instructions. We ended up using the markers instead of paint and they worked beautifully. We now have the models on display in one of our edit rooms. They make great conversations pieces. The detail you integrated into these designs is incredible! We actually flipped a few of the buildings around to feature the back side in the reversal shots of the sheriff and bad guy to make it looks like there are more buildings in the town.
Thanks again and good luck in the future with your company!

Here are some of the comments we have received from our customers/friends.
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to write. We love to hear from you!
If you would like to add something to this section, please send us an email with your comments and a picture if you have one!
Be sure to scroll all the way down!
Hi Mike,
I just ordered another building and was going to send some pictures of the ones I have completed but can not get them downloaded. Will send later as they are turning out beautiful and I would like you to see them. I wanted to tell you a little about what I am doing. To begin with I will be 84 years old this summer and am grateful that I still have the hands and eyes to do this detailed work. I have always been an amateur woodworker and pursued many other hobbies all my life so I guess that has carried me through. I am building this N scale layout in memory of a dear friend who passed away last May. She was my college roommate in The 1950's and we had been friends ever since. In the 1960,s when N scale was new, I had given her a train as a present. She always intended to build a layout but it never happened. After she passed I was fortunate enough to find she still had the original train, still in the box, and complete. I took it to a model train store to have it checked to see if it would still run and it does. Although they told me it was so old that there would be no way to repair it, they also said it might run for years. And so I set out to build a layout with a little town in her memory. All of her friends and family have now gotten involved with advice and encouragement but I am building it myself. It is not a large layout but has an oval track with two spurs and a hill and a lake. The town is the focal point. The store I ordered tonight will be my 8th building from you. I needed more so I tried to find some other wooden models and ordered one or two from other companies but honestly, they don't hold a candle to yours. The scale is off, the tabs never quite fit, and none of the roofs compare with your shingles. But you don't have enough kits in N scale for me to complete my town so I had to try some others...
...This is truly a labor of love for me and might well be the last large project I tackle. I wanted you to know that Wild West Models has made my project possible and they truly are the most perfect kits I have ever worked on. Thank you for your great products. I ordered some extra shake shingles tonight also because the couple buildings I have from other sources are at least going to have good looking roofs. Hopefully I will get you some pictures soon. I am better at building than downloading things on the computer.
– Best Regards, Betty H. - Lakewood, CA
Hi Mike,
I finally got the finishing touches applied to my S scale bakery model and got outside yesterday to take a few photos... The paper shake shingles (#614) you sent me a few weeks ago worked well for the weathered roof I was hoping for.
Overall, I really enjoyed putting your bakery kit together – it’s nicely designed and the pieces fit together very well. As you can see, I made a few changes and additions to suit my creative desire...
Thanks again for producing a quality product – I’m looking forward to my next WWSMB kit that you recently sent me – the land office.
– Best Wishes, Tom C. - Greeley, CO
Thanks Mike, I enjoy building your kits. Believe it or not I used pastel chalks and ink pens to color this model after a basic stain with Silverwood. The pens were just an experiment that I lucked out with. The stone foundation idea I stole from Sadler but like it. I have been working with some pink foam to carve stone walls and so far it is working pretty well. I will share some photos when finished. Say hi to your wife for me.
– Take care, Doug R. - Corona, CA
Hi Mike:
I received your Sn3 Bakery kit today. Thanks for the quick delivery! I purchased your Land Office kit at the Narrow Gauge convention in September and recently completed it. That kit fit great in a spot on my layout with just enough room to add the Bakery next door. I managed to fit these buildings in a previously vacant space to make a nice little commercial district (only 2 buildings but it should compliment the scene very well)
Your kits always assemble easily and extremely well. I will try to keep some notes when I assemble the Bakery and let you know if I have any feedback, but I doubt I’ll have much to say. Your kits are very well done.
The on-line ordering went just fine. No issues, no problems, so no comments.
Once I get the Bakery done, I’ll take a few pictures and send them to you so you can see the fruits of your design effort, your hard work and superb engineering.
Keep up the nice work. You make a great product and have the “customer service’ part down pat!
– Sincerely, Bill A. - Woodland Park, CO
Hey Mike, I wanted to drop you a line real quick. In about 6 hours I put the N scale assay office together. This was hands down the best modeling experience I have had.
Recently, I completed some scratch builds for my layout that left a lot to be desired, particularly when it came to right angles and roofing. Your self squaring walls rock!
I will be ordering my next kit soon from you guys.
Keep up the good work and keep the N scale kits coming!
– Thanks, Clint N. - Atlanta, GA
Thanks, Mike, I really like your buildings and specially your instructions. Your buildings will make up part of Truckee and Grass Valley CA circa 1870.
– Thanks, Jan K., Pismo Beach, CA
Hi, Mike
Here's my completed S scale Bakery model.
It went together well. I haven't put a sign on it yet; I am undecided what it will be. Also, I chose to trim the top of the windows and skip the big header.
I made the mistake of brushing Floquil paint (Depot Buff and Pullman Green) on it. It was tedious and took a lot of time. In future I plan to follow your advice.
I'm looking forward to building more!
– Bill R. - San Francisco, CA
I would like to see many (all) of your items in Z--all outhouses, Earl Lee Store, Don's Dry Goods, Tommy Knocker's Cabin, Zeke's Cabin and then all of the rest!! Have you ever thought of a Water Tower or Coaling Station for the Old Time Steamers? I think your models are the best I have ever seen!
– Judy H. - Estes Park, CO
Can you tell me when the Federal Mine kit will be available in S?
OBTW, I finally got around to starting on your S scale Furniture/Coffin Factory, what a wonderful kit, I'm really glad I picked it up.
Thanks and I'll be looking forward to hearing from you soon.
– J. Motts - El Paso, TX
Thanks for the recent shipment. This is the fifth bldg. I've purchased, all have been great, just wish there were more "O" scale. The stair stringers are perfect! Thank you very much!! Your product is great, please advise as you develop more "O" scale.
– Ron M. - South Jordan, UT
I got my first kit and am impressed with the detail. Will send a pictures when completed. Would like to see more in n-scale from the old west. Will be ordering more kits soon.
– Bill H. - Hiawassee, GA
I just built your n-scale assay‚ building and am very pleased with it. I have been trying to get a good western town in n-scale and this is really the first kit I have built that works.
In finishing the model, I really liked that one piece of wood that was used to clean up the corners because it made all of the edges look very neat and clean.
Do you know, or are you allowed to say, when new kits are coming out in n-scale like the mining supply kits? Your HO line is amazing and I just wish some of those kits were in n-scale.
I think if more n-scale modelers knew about you folks, they would be very happy. I found you by googling some combination of N-scale‚ and Western.
– Thanks, John T. - Los Angeles, CA
Purchased several of your kits @ NGC in Sept. YOUR KITS ARE GREAT! Thanks.......
– Danny C. - Garland, TX
– Sal L. - Rochester, NY
Just finished the 2 story outhouse. Congratulations on a great, well designed kit. it was a real pleasure to put together.
When will the federal Mine be available in 'O'?...
...Thanks once again and keep up the good work.
– Patrick M. - West Midlands, United Kingdom
Mike, Here is a photo of the Dons Dry Goods I built. It went together perfectly. The instructions were very clear. All of the pieces fit great with very minimal sanding. I use fingernail files for that, works great. I am looking forward to finishing more models and completing my train table.
– Lee R. - Platte City, MO
Greetings from Norway! I have now built one of your kits and bought another one based on very good first time experience. I very much appreciated the weathering tips and the very well written instructions. As your kits fits so well to my era and setting I will mainly use your structures on my layout. And here is my comments: it would be great if you could complement your product range with buildings such as livery stable, black smith or a depot. I think that would be relevant for anyone modeling the era between 1860-1910 and would complement your product range. I really wonder what the first trains stations and depots in the Rockies looked like? Most of the kits available based on Colorado prototypes are of somewhat newer date.
– Regards, Bjarne P. - Norway
I just received the first two of your kits that I will be building (Slim's Shoe Shop and Harvey's Hardware). I was so impressed with the quality of your kits I promptly ordered another two of them! I am in the process of populating a small town on my layout and your products are a perfect fit for what I was looking for. Keep up the good work!
– Sam S. - Gwinn, MI
Hi Mike, I just receive my kits and I just want you to know that I will purchase every thing you produce in "o" scale you kits are fantastic.
– Wendell G. - Moreno Valley, CA
Hi Mike,
I received the 2 cabin kits today. Thank you for the nice letter. Yes, your website is very easy to use--you have a good webmaster.
I built the two-story outhouse as soon as I received it. GREAT little kit. It's whimsical, but I love it, I even bought a sound module from ITTC to go with it. Anna thinks the sound module is gross, but I think it's pretty funny. I really liked the laser cut signs that you include with it. I put POLITICIANS on the lower stall--for obvious reasons...You really have nice kits.
BTW, thanks for the business card. I always save these for quick reference.
– Dave B. - Elnora, IN
GREAT structures, just what I need for my N-Scale Tombstone...now IF I can just get you folks to duplicate more of your HO stuff in N. That would terrific.
– Frank G. - Endicott, NY
Hi Mike
Peter recently bought some more of your kits and sent me to construct for him.
I am building a ghost town module for his next exhibition layout, and he has supplied quite a number of your kits toward this.
Firstly I would like to say what a pleasure they are to build, they are extremely well designed and the instructions are clear and concise. I have modified them somewhat to represent an old rundown ghost town as Peter requested.
Attached are some photos to give you an idea of what I mean, along with a couple of scratch builds. Cheers.
– Dave J. - Australia
Saw your products at the Anaheim show. Ended up buying two of them with several more on my wish list. Already started Tommy Knocker's Cabin.
Great kit.
– Monty L. - Buena Park, CA
Hello Mike and Korie…
I recently purchased your HO gauge Two Story Outhouse kit. The quality of the kit was first rate (as we have come to expect from laser kits) and the instruction/tip sheet was clear and concise.
This is a great kit which was fun to build and I’m sure it will get a lot of “comments” when seen on my layout. I have attached a photo of the completed kit to which I added a couple of Campbell figures.
– Graham H. - Plymouth, WI
I saw and fell in love with your models last year in Ogden, UT. I purchased a couple there and have enjoyed building them. They are by far superior to anything else I have built. The painting techniques are an added bonus. I look forward to seeing you again in Ogden and buying more models. Thanks for your dedication.
– Tim S. - Heber City, UT
I just finished my first kit from you and enjoyed the kit very much. I got the Franke Furniture/Coffin shop from Caboose Hobbies. Your kit is extremely well done and high quality. I’ll be getting more of them soon.
– Jim S. - Castle Rock, CO
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for sending an extra kit for my Dad's b-day! Everything arrived on Saturday and my family was very touched with your customer service. You created a great memory for us. Now, we know exactly where to go to get my Dad his kits!
Blessings to you!
– Julie H. - LaCrosse, WI

Hi, Mike,
Thank you so much for giving me a sheet of your shingles free of charge! That was extremely generous of you. The project they were for was my first 1/144 scale house, a log house by Northeast Scale Models. Since it is my first project, I'm not 100% happy with it, but I'm learning as I go. I do think your shingles added a lot to giving the project a more polished look, though, and I look forward to using more shingles as I improve. I have attached a few pictures, although I still have to finish furnishing my mini-house and landscaping the outside. Thank you again for being so nice!
– Stephaine C. - Seattle, WA
Mike, I have currently built four of your kits and have three more to start. They are excellent kits and I hope you continue to produce small footprint detailed kits. Hoping to meet you at a future show. Thank you for your time.
– Paul H. - LaCrosse, WI
I want to thank you again for sending the sheet I burned up in the microwave. I did finish the cabin kit and one of the Outhouses. I am a member of the Spring Creek Modular Model Railroad Club and we set up for the month of December in Frisco, Texas. We receive several thousand visitors so I wanted to get the kits done for the show. The enclosed pictures are the 2 kits of yours, however, the area needs some more work before it will be complete. I did enjoy doing both the cabin and outhouse.
Thanks again!
– Dave G. - Lewisville, TX
Mr. Pyne,
Thank you for your concern. I got the replacement kit OK, and just finished assembling them. Thank you for your help, you make great products and have great service.
– Joshua B. - Farr West, UT
“This is my first Wild West Scale Model Builders kit. I've been wanting to build a building that was under construction. I always thought I would just scratch build it but after seeing this one I knew it was the way to go. Less than 2 1/2 hours and it is done! I already have a saloon so I've made it a Dry Goods Store. Also, it fit right in to my old west town I want to have. Now I just have to find the right little people to work on it.”
Click on the image to go to Jim’s web site
– Jim W.
Hello Mike & Korie,
Just wanted to let you know that your fine kits arrived safely in Erie, Pennsylvania. Thank you for your personal letter and complimentary outhouses! I think that's the first time any manufacturer has taken the time to write a personal letter and it speaks volumes about your customer service!
Best regards,
– David D. - Erie, PA
Hi Mike,
We had the popular vote contest at our Wisconsin South Eastern Division of the NMRA on Sunday, March 20, 2011.
There were really quite a few nice models. I ended up getting First Place in Structures and Best In Show overall. It must help to start with a very nice kit; there were a lot of positive comments.
Thank you for offering the kit to the public. Good luck and continued success!
– Harry E. – Wisconsin
Was next to you at the 27th Narrow Guage Convention in Portland, ME. Used up the Shakes and built the Assay building, GREAT kit.
– Carl C. - Addison, ME
I would like to thank you guys once again for your great customer service I received when I purchased one of your outhouse kits two years ago. The replacement kit was great, and yielded incredible results. Because of the quality of your products, and the quick response to my questions, I recommended your products to the North Ogden Historical Museum (North Ogden, Utah) when they asked me the best source for shingles. In behalf of the museum, I would like to submit a photograph of an HO scale model of the Barker House, built using your shingle product.
Thank you,
– Joshua B. – Ogden, UT
Visit the North Ogden Historical Museum web site.
Customer Testimonials
I got the Earl Lee store kit and the SMS paint yesterday. I already got a start on the store and so far I have to say WOW! This is probably the best kit I've seen. Great instructions, great material, very cleanly cut, and just plain awesome! I used the dark brown from the SMS for the logs and I think they look great. I'll send you some good pictures when I get it done.
I have a feeling I'm going to be ordering quite a bit from you. Now I just have to figure out which kit to order next.
Here's a picture of it started. This is just fit together, no glue as I am carefully following the excellent instructions.
– Jason S. | Mountain City, TN
Hi Mike,
I just finished building the two cabin kits I purchased recently, and thought I'd drop you a line.
I found both kits to be very well designed and manufactured. The parts fit perfectly. Bravo for offering such nice kits. The shake shingles are really good, and I'll be ordering some for a roundhouse I'm building.
The instructions are perfect, by the way. No long winded paragraphs, just clear drawings. Nice...
– Paul Scoles - Shoreline, WA

This video was made for Subway restaurants, by a production company, to air in a local region. You can see our Wild West Scale Models throughout the video! The models used were S scale, and assembled by Larry Smith. Enjoy!