Alex Belida Soon-2-B saloon

Alex Meyers - Zeke's Cabin

Bob Lenz - Atlantic Cable Mine

Bob Lenz - Slims Shoe Shop

Bob Lenz - Tommy Knocker's Cabin

Bob Lenz - Zeke's cabin

Charles Clarkson - Flack Mine

Dino Leone - Miners Supply

Mike and Debbie Foster - Franke Furniture with shake shingles!

Mike and Debbie Foster - Soon-2-B saloon

Mike and Debbie Foster - Zekes Cabin and outhouse

Mike and Debbie Foster - Earl Lee Store, Harvey's Hardware and Zeke's Cabin

Frank Smucker - Franke Furniture Shop

Frank Smucker - great sign - notice our shake shingles

Frank Smucker - Don's Dry Goods, Land Office, Soon-2-B, Zeke's Cabin

Frank Smucker - Full wild west town

Gary Meyers - Miners Supply

Gary Meyers - Earl Lee Store custom Interior

Gary Meyers - Earl Lee Store and Miners Supply

George Gibson - Earl Lee Store

George Gibson - Earl Lee Store

George Gibson - Earl Lee Store

George Johnson - Earl Lee Store

Graham Hoffman - 2 story outhouse

Harry Evans - Franke Furniture

Harry Evans - Franke Furniture - NMRA merit award

Harry Evans - Franke Furniture - custom interior

Jim Lemmond - 2 story outhouse

Jim Lemmond - Soon-2-B saloon

Jim Sullivan - Models waiting for layout

Jim Wanlass - Soon-2-B saloon

Joe Crea - Miners Supply front

Joe Crea - Miners Supply back

John Gillespie - 2 story outhouse

Keith Pashina - Federal Mine

Keith Pashina - Federal Mine

Keith Pashina - Federal Mine

Larry Holcome - Miners Supply - Modified!

Larry Huber - Shake shingles

Lee Rhoad - Dons Dry Goods

Lloyd Lehrer - Flack Mine

Lloyd Lehrer -Franke Furniture

Mike Whalen - Earl Lee Store

Mike Whalen - Earl Lee Store

Mike Whalen - Tommy Knocker's Store

Mike Whalen - Tommy Knocker's Store

Mike Whalen - Tommy Knocker's Store

Charles Mikeska - Earl Lee Store

Norman Morin - outhouse

Norman Morin - Tommy Knocker's Cabin

Norman Morin - Zeke's Cabin

Paul Odenkirchen - Bakery

Paul Odenkirchen - Bakery

Paul Odenkirchen - Harvey's Hardware

Paul Odenkirchen - Pitkin House

Paul Odenkirchen - Slim's Shoe Shop

Paul Odenkirchen - 2 story outhouse

Peter Darling - Pitkin House

Peter Darling - Pitkin House

Ray Hoppes - 2 story outhouse

Rich Mossholder - Assay Office

Rich Mossholder - Harvey's Hardware

Roark Shallow - Franke Furniture

Roark Shallow - Soon-2-B, Fire House and shake shingles on all

Roark Shallow - Little Red Mill

Roark Shallow - Quartz Hill Mine

Rob Spangler - Harvey's Hardware

Rob Spangler - Harvey's Hardware

Rob Spangler - Tommy Knockers Cabin

Romeo Allard - Dons Dry Goods, and Boreas Section House

Ron Renner - Boreas Section House

Ron Renner -Earl Lee Store

Ron Renner - outhouse

Ron Udy - Don's Dry Goods and Miners Supply

Ron Udy - Pitkin House

Ron Udy - Zekes Cabin

Sal Lamoglio - Bakery

Sal Lamoglio - Don's Dry Goods

Sal Lamoglio - Harvey's Hardware

Sal Lamoglio - Full town

Sam Shoemaker - Slims Shoe Shop

Simon Chick - Shake Shingles

Simon Chick - Shake Shingles

Steve Blodgett - Bakery

Steve Blodgett - Miners Supply front

Steve Blodgett - Mines Supply back

Steve Blodgett - shake shingles

Steve Blodgett - Trackside Warehouse

Steve Blodgett - Trackside Warehouse

Tom Bergeson - Earl Lee Store

Tom Bergeson - Earl Lee Store

Tom Bergeson - Miners Supply

Tom Bergeson - Miners Supply

Tom Bergeson - Miners Supply

Tom Bergeson - Slims Shoe Shop

Tom Bergeson - Slims Shoe Shop

Xavier and Margarita - Quartz Hill Mine...with a twist

Xavier and Margarita - Quartz Hill Mine...with a twist