Kit #211
temporarily out of stock
Kit #311
(be sure to scroll all the way down!)
HO scale Soon-2-B (above)
Shown adjacent to the #209 Land Office.
◊ Details include: A very quick build with lots of
scratch-build character, ONE-PIECE-WALLS!!!,
saw horses, extra wood that can be used as
boards not yet assembled.
◊ Our trademark EASY to follow FULLY
Illustrated step-by-step instructions make
building easy!
◊ Your friends will have to look twice to realize
that it is not built piece by piece!
◊ Footprints
N = N/A
HO = 4.7" x 4.7"
S = N/A
O = N/A
Kit #811
Kit #111

HO scale Soon-2-B Saloon
HO scale Soon-2-B Saloon
Soon-to-B Saloon