At the bottom of the page is complete list of all our detail part pages

This page is an overview of the detail parts and other accessories, tools, and organizers we offer. All in one place. Each link will have pictures and detailed information. Enjoy!
NOTE: Part numbers in BLACK are in production and available.
Detail Parts & Accessories
DP–Paint Organizer - Great for paints/spices
DP–Tool Organizer - Great for paints/spices
DP–Tape - our super double sided tape
AC–Glue - Cyanoacrylate glue - thin, thick,
and Gap filling
DP–Paint Mixer - Just like it says. Great tool!
DP27 - Allis Chalmers Dynamo
DP28 - Pelton Water Wheel
DP29 - Pulleys and Bearings (35)
DP30 - Pulleys and Bearings (100)
DP31 - Pipe Fittings (HO, O, 1:20.3)
DP32 - Gears (18 assorted) (Multi-scale)
Station Benches - (HO, S, O) Raggs to Riches
Chairs - (S, O) Raggs to Riches
Tables - (S, O) Raggs to Riches
DP11 - Electric Motor (9/32” width) ("HO")
DP12 - Electric Motor (1/2” width) ("S")
DP13 - Electric Motor (11/16” width) ("O")
DP14 - Electric Motor (7/8” width) ("1:20.3")
DP15 - Pot Belly Stove (HO, S, O, 1:20.3)
DP16 - Anvil and base (future idea)
DP20 - Twin Cylinder Steam Engine
DP21 - Single Cylinder Steam Engine
DP22 - Vertical Steam Engine
DP23 - Horizontal Brick Boiler
DP24 - TBA
DP25 - Vertical Boiler
DP26 - Office Interior
Parts & kits that can be used everywhere!
Tools & Accessories to aide on model building and organization
A page where we will be adding every type of ore car we can think of...