Kit #229
Kit #329
(be sure to scroll all the way down!)
◊ Details include: Interior etched floor
boards and exterior walls, ladders, two
different front walls (for different building
periods) optional battens, multiple
building configuration possibilities, and
◊ Windows and doors can be custom
positioned and include laser cut glazing.
◊ Our trademark EASY to follow FULLY
Illustrated step-by-step instructions
make building easy!
◊ Precision Laser cut wood construction.
◊ Includes our paper corrugated roofing.
◊ Footprints (adjustable)
N = 1.3" x 3.3" small, 4.0" x 3.3” full size
HO = 2.4" x 6.1" small, 7.5" x 6.1” full size
S = 3.3" x 8.3" small, 10.2" x 8.3" full size
O = 4.4" x 11.0" small, 13.6" x 11.0” full size
◊ With all of our kits, we include some way
for you to customize our structures right
out of the box: see the illustration to the
right. You can build the mine with battens
or without.
◊ The Smoke and Mirror Solutions
acrylic paints used for this structure:
Walls: Brown #10
Kit #829
Kit #129
The design of our Atlantic Cable mine Hoist and Boiler House has been very carefully measured from many photographs from its early ownership to the 1950's. We include a front wall that was most likely the form it held during the Dolores Silver Mining Company ownership, as stated above, between 1882 and 1919. We include a second front wall that was most likely in a time frame from 1920 until it was destroyed (shown on the models on this page.)
“The RGS Story - Rico and the Mines, vol 7” published by Sundance Central has many great photos of this hoist and boiler house over the course of its life time.
As the kit took shape, we discovered that it could be built in many different forms! This allows for a lot of flexiblity and variation, so that the structure can be built for almost any given space or function. It can also be used with differnt mining or milling operations. There is at least one configuration that could yield two differnt buildings!
You will have a lot of fun with this structure and the many possibilities!
We can't forget, we have designed this to fit a new double horizontal brick boiler we are working on...
The Design:
Atlantic Cable Mine shown without battens. Ore car is now included with HO scale version!
Atlantic Cable Hoist/Boiler House

Atlantic Cable Mine's Hoist/Boiler House Possibilities!
We have engineered this strucutre to be built multiple different ways to fit any condition you have for your layout. The above illustration only shows a few of the combinations.
Atlantic Cable Hoist & Boiler House
This view shows the structure without the coal bins. Also note that the structure can be built without the battens for a completly different look.

Atlantic Cable Mine without trestle and ore bin (shown with battens on)
(by C.M. Engel, 1981 - from plaque–mine site)
“R.C. Darling discovered the mine property in March 1878, within the Pioneer Mining District near the confluence of Silver Creek and the Dolores River. Two years later R. C. Darling returned from Santa Fe, New Mexico and filed the Atlantic Cable Lode Mining Claim.
The ore was concentrated in a blanket deposit within the Leadville-Ouray limestone. The formation contained lead, zinc, copper and silver in mineralized beds ranging from less than one foot to twenty-two feet in thickness. The mineralized beds assayed at approximately twenty percent lead, twenty-two percent zinc, one and one-half percent copper and ten to fifteen ounces of silver per ton.
The Atlantic Cable Lode was patented in March of 1883, as Mineral Land Survey No. 1136. At the time of patenting by R.C. Darling and the Dolores Silver Mining Company, the claim had been developed by three shafts.
The mine was a large producer of lead and zinc ore during the years of World War II.
Owners of the mine property have been R.C. Darling from discovery to 1882, the Dolores Silver Mining Company from 1882 to 1919, the Rico-Argentine Mining Company from 1919 to 1979, and the Anaconda Minerals Company to the present.”